Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break...Part Dux

So it is now Thursday. The Thursday of (Tech's) Spring Break. Technically, tomorrow begins the Easter Holiday. We got screwed this year, thanks Jesus!

But yeah, my "break" is almost over. I cant believe how fast this week went by. And I haven't done SHIT! It's been nice for the most part, except now the reality of all the shit I NEED to do is kicking in. Although we have tomorrow, Friday, off I have a feeling I will be up here working on stuff. I did get caught up on a couple of things, but not much. AND, I did not do any work on school stuff...which is another thing I needed to do. I have a annotated bibliography due and then I needed to start my final video project. But I honestly don't have the motivation. I know I will end up throwing them both together at the last minute...meaning I will be working on them on the day they are due. I don't know what it is. I mean for work I still have to do 360 VR tours of our building and edit some video from like three or four weeks ago. I mean yesterday I FINALLY captured it. I was going to use Final Cut Express but I really don't want to take the time to learn it while I am doing something for the College, something I couldn't give two shits about. Fuck this place. The good thing, as I have mentioned several times, is that since I have turned in my letter of resignation, they haven't asked me to do shit; I am pretty sure they have given up hope of getting anything out of me between now and August 8.

Other than the lack of productivity, this has been a pretty good week. IT HAS GONE BY TOO DAMN FAST THOUGH! I thought since things would be SO slow, this week would drag out forever...which I would not have complained one bit about. I mean I have stuff to do and with no students here I COULD HAVE gotten things done. They, Mass Communications, don't realize how much time I DON'T HAVE when their are students here checking out equipment.

Enough bitching. I am turning into the people I work with by bitching so much. I am sorry.

So, I have recently decided to jump on the "Lost" band wagon. Until recently, I had only seen the Pilot. Yeah it looked cool, but I never got into it. Mainly because when I saw the pilot, Lost was already into the second season and I really didn't care to "catch up." Well that has apparently changed. I spent most of yesterday at work and most of last night watching Lost on, supposedly in HD...although I do not think it was.

Needless to say this has been a very (UN)productive break.

Tomorrow I will finally start doing some work. Mainly stuff for school. And mentally preparing for whatever shit storm that will hit on Tuesday when all the students return.

Oh on a side note, Sunday is Easter Sunday. Which can only mean one thing. EASTER BASH!!! However, I do not think I will be attending. While I have never really gone for the bands, I mean does anyone go for the bands? Really?, I loved hanging out with friends and drinking beer outside. It used to be BYOB (bring your own beer - for those who didn't know) but this year I think it is not. Because of its location, AND all the people who are "involved" in putting it on. I am sorry, it just has not been the same since they stopped having it at the golf station when people would bring couches, chairs, etc and then burn them at the end of the night. Come to think of it, that is probably why they do not have it out there anymore and DO NOT allow couches. Oh well. I will probably be too busy working on school stuff anyway...or I should be too busy working on school stuff.

PS - Pictures from the last few weeks of random photo adventures coming soon!

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