Saturday, October 13, 2007

Heartbreaking Photojournalism and Brilliant Insight

"The press is certainly a business, and in order to survive it must be a successful business. But the right balance must be found between marketing considerations and journalistic responsibility. Society's problems can't be solved until they're identified. On a higher plane, the press is a service industry, and the service it provides is awareness. Every story does not have to sell something. There's also a time to give."

What a wonderful man - James Nachtwey.

This gave me that weird tightening in my throat when I try not to start crying. Perhaps that sentence was cheesy, but watch this and try not to feel something. I assure you, you will fail.

(and yeah yeah, I know there's a BMW ad at the beginning. whatever. it's short. and the photos start around 4 minutes in.)

1 comment:

Rob said...

Dude, Nachtwey has been one of my favorite Documentary Photogs since first seeing his pics when I was still in High School. This guy brings me to tears every time I look at his photos. He is one of the first people who really got me into photography. But it is so hard to look at his images and not feel something eating at your insides. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it was for him to photograph all that he has and not do anything. But at the same time, that is what makes him so great.

I am sure you already looked at his site, but if not, here is the link:

His stuff is truly amazing and inspiring.