Sunday, August 19, 2007


Disclaimer to the Disclaimer: I've decided to abstain from order, lineality, logical flows, attempts at objectivity or formal structure, or even the best diction. Basically, to borrow from a friend's new blog, these will be (perhaps always have been) for not much more than practice. I think I want to be a writer, and this will be a "place" for raw material, exercises, flights of fancy, etc.

Disclaimer: Not that my blogs' strong points have ever been coherency or consistent logic (the leaps of logic are less leaps, and more teleportations), I don't plan on making a lot more sense with these. Maybe I'm lazy, maybe I've finally killed the last few brain cells that enabled me to string ideas together and make sense of anything. Really though, I consider my mental state the only obvious and reasonable reaction to the 21st century American environment.

So, I guess dearest reader, consider most/all future blogs like an improvisational jazz performance (i know, bold claim, but just follow me here) in being aware that things may not always be pretty, may not flow or even sync up in a way that makes sense, but every once in a while, on some nights and moments, things just hit right. Maybe things get in a good groove for just a minute or two before it all breaks back down into free sounds, untethered to logic/normal rhythm, operating on nothing but feeling or the intensity of certain artistic/whimsical choices...

i watched an ant today carrying something much larger than itself. it made me start singing jay-z's big pimpin to myself, maybe a little to the ant, too. and then i felt terribly lonely. i finished my front porch cigarette, went inside and left the ants to the cracks in the driveway.

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