Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Political Suicide and Some Ron Paul

I saw this today with my boss, and as it came on he said, "Watch this." Being that he's a conservative, I assumed he approved of what I was about to see.

Luckily, the man has more damn sense than that. When it was over he said, "Is nothing sacred?"

Watch for yourself. Personally, I think it's going to backfire.

Dear Mike Huckabee,

I hope you're Christmas is a shit sandwich. Maybe you can tell me what that whole Christmas tree thing is about while you're at it, because it sure as Hell doesn't ring a Biblical bell with me. Oh, and I'd like to see some evidence to prove that December 25 is indeed the birth of Jesus.
While I don't care how much you politicize your religion, I hope that other believers realize how dangerously you're treading. As a former Baptist minister, you should have more respect for your religion than to bring it into the notoriously sullied sphere of politics. Separation of church and state exists to protect not just the state Mr. Huckabee, but also your religion.

But thinking back to my boss, it pleased me tremendously that at least not all conservatives will fall for this Gomer Pyle-lookin' motherfucker.

"Well, golly-gee, I just wants to be your Theocrat-in-Chief."

Moving on...

Ron Paul. I like a lot of what I hear from him, and he is the ONLY Republican candidate I'm willing to even listen to anymore. The rest are completely, completely hopeless, pathetic jokes.

Huckabee's awful POLITICAL ad where he complains, in his bullshit President Bush-inspired good ol' boy "aw shucks" attitude, about POLITICS, actually gets a response from Paul in the next video. It's a good response, and also discussed is the amazing fundraising efforts by Paul's supporters.

But don't stop watching after that, because the little "interview" of Paul by the white woman from Fox and Friends (seriously, I would euthanize these people) is AMAZING. I mean, I've seen some shit in my life, and posted some ridiculous things on blogs before, but this...this is...just...My God, you may want to grab some duct tape and wrap it around your head, going under your chin and back over the top several times just to keep your jaw from falling completely off. That, and don't have a gun nearby. Suicide might not seem fairly reasonable.

"One-word response." ?!?!??!?!!!!!!!!!!????????!?!!!?!?!??!??!?!!?!??!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????!!!!!!!!!!???!?!?!?!!!!!!!??????!!!????!?

The gun is in my hands, pressed to my head, I'm shaking - "Please Fox and Friends, I can't...don't make me...I just can't go on anymore. The media is so...fucking...goddamn...fuck...please no more retarded....the world is so fucking fucked...ah Jesus...shit man, this isn't how the news is supposed to....fuck..goddamn..."


Sweet release. No more Fox and Friends.

1 comment:

Southwestern Belle said...

Ron Paul is all the rage among the would-be hippie set here in Austin. There are even signs for him that have a play on the words "love" and "revolution." It makes me wanna barf. I like to ask them if they had any federal stafford loans for college, which most of them did. I then inform them that Ron Paul is against federal student loans any any education subsidization by the government. They don't get that Ron Paul is a rich, literal constructionist doctor, not a free-lovin' hippie.
I've found out that half of his supporters only like him because they want pot to be legal. It's sort of funny.
But then I realized that most of his supporters are 9/11 consipiracy theorist libertarians who don't live in reality so they just spout off rhetoric unrelated to the issue at hand since those types will never admit being wrong about anything.

Annnyway. I haven't even gotten really serious about backing anyone in this election since it feels like there are still too many fish in the pond right now. I'm passionate about this only because I've been having Ron Paul shoved down my throat for the past year and a half already and I'm dreading the remaining year of increased RP throat-shovage.