Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So, I watch professional wrestling...wanna fight about it?

I was watching “Universal Soldier” (starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren) the other night. I forgot how fucking awesome this movie was/is. I realized that Dolph Lundgren is really the main star, despite what others say. I mean come on, the man was in “Universal Soldier”, boxed Rocky Balboa in “Rocky IV” (note: he also killed a dude in a boxing match in this movie), and played He-Man in “Masters of the Universe.” He played He-Man for fuck sake! Not many actors can say they played He-Man, actually none can except Dolph. I mean this guy is an ultimate badass. Therefore, I have decided to blog about him…

But this is not that blog.

Because I want to do him justice, I have been doing some research. Part of my research has included other people he been in movies with. Since Jean-Claude Van Damme was in “Universal Soldier,” I have started with him; also, I think Dolph would have been much better in “Universal Soldier: The Return” – I saw this movie in the theater with my father, it was a great bonding moment when the few people in the theater (another father/son group and a group of frat-college dudes) cheered when Goldberg speared someone. (starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and Bill Goldberg…yeah, the wrestler).

Come to think about it, I also think Dolph Lundgren would have been better in “Bloodsport,” too.

I lost a little respect for Jean-Claude Van Damme while looking through his list of movies on IMDB.com. Actually, I lost a lot of respect. I tried to forget about a particular movie he did. A movie called “Double Team.” A movie that sounds cool when you hear the title, but then you see who’s in it: Dennis Rodman.

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Yes, the same wedding dress wearing, radically hair dying, Carmen Electra marrying, arm and leg flinging while rebounding, Dennis Rodman.

I am sorry, Dennis Rodman should not act. I made the mistake of seeing this movie, it was awful.

Upon loosing respect for Van Damme for co-starring with Dennis Rodman, I then remembered Rodman’s short wrestling career. Yeah, you can add wrestling superstar to Rodman’s long list of wacky antics. He had a brief stint in WCW (World Championship Wreslting for you non-wreslting people) as a member of the nWo (new World order – I have no idea why they felt the “W” had to capitalized and the “n” and “o” lowercase, but whatever.) He tag teamed with Hulk (Hollywood Hulk during his nWo days) Hogan. The faced the team of Diamond Dallas Page (DDP) and another NBA star, Karl Malone.

Rodman also had a feud with Macho Man Randy Savage (for those that follow wrestling – I am not sure if this feud occurred while Savage was a member of the nWo Wolfpack or not).

Sorry for the video, but it was all I could find.

Anyway, I thought this would be a good side blog until I finish the one about Dolph Lundgren. It should be good. Actually, I know it will be good. Also, I was happy to relive wresting memories, even if they do involve Dennis Rodman. I wonder what "The Worm" is up to these days anyway...

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