Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Jesus Loves Him Some Internets

You gotta be shitting me. I decided to finally go back and look at some of these posts and see if we'd had any comments that I'd missed. Look at this doozy:

"There is nothing in this world, but the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. He eventually delivered me from my HELL, when I got down on my knees and asked for mercy and forgiveness for my sins. I have recovered my INNER CHILD - that CHILD is GOD.

This was a comment on a blog about me trying to find a job but then deciding I should just marry Oprah or some other rich woman, and then a tangent where I mix up my own personal history with that of Jim Varney's career, the fine actor from all those Ernest movies, where he either goes to camp, slam dunks something, or saves Christmas.

So, it was completely out of context, as there was not even a hint of sacrilege in the post, unless it's become so natural that I don't notice it anymore, or maybe it was a general response to the overall secular attitude exuded by this whole "Great Bible Belt Escape" thing.

I checked out his blog, and I absolutely have to share his photo. I figure after that, I should just rest my case, whatever that case is.

LOOK AT THAT FUCKING T-SHIRT. Please, someone, get me that shirt.


Rob said...
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Rob said...

Indeed, that is a fucking sweet shirt. He must have a thing for eagles, since he is also wearing an eagles cap. WAIT...I figured it out...The Eagle is his light of the world.

No, probably not. He probably has some sick fetish for eagles.

But yeah, you need one of those shirts. Maybe find one with the American flag waving proudly behind the eagle.