Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hot Fuck Action TO THE MAX

Sorry for the title. I just wanted some attention today, and I thought a base, sexual quote from Boogie Nights would do the trick. Also, further apologies may be needed because if you were indeed expecting said maximum, piping-hot fuck action, well, you may have to go elsewhere.

Unless of course, your loins ache at the mention of things like:

Executive Privilege

Impeachment as a cure to the constitutional crisis in which we find ourselves
Aaaww shit that's hot!

Or even the oh-my-god-its-burning-my-skin-dont-touch-it heat of
No Warrant Eavesdropping Programs

Wet yet? Sure you are. I know you get off on that shit.

There's so much hardcore fucking of the rule of law right now by the White House that it's mindboggling. However, there is the occasional, sweet, legislative moneyshot delivered via true statesmen (i.e. not politicians) like Dennis Kucinich that occasionally brings hope. Take this scene for example between Rumsfeld and Kucinich:

Extended pornographic metaphors aside now, Rumsfeld's statement about how "if there was [a press strategy] it obviously wasn't very good" is extremely deceptive. That statement, while seeming to be a moment of truth, a moment of admitting to not managing the war well, is not at all what it seems to be. In fact, it is itself part of the White House press strategy - to confuse, to dance around questions, to lay the blame elsewhere over and over again, creating a cycle of confusion that eventually leads to exhaustion among the investigators and, most importantly, confusion and apathy among the people.

Gonzales and now Rumsfeld have created such a mockery of the entire investigation(s), that it is impossible to understand the entire situation, the context of their lies and obfuscations. And considering the television culture and the medium's inablity to address complex issues, mixed with peoples' ever-dwindling attention spans, people simply grow frustrated. But because they cannot understand that it comes from intentional devious motives of the White House and Bush's appointees, I'm concerned that most people will get tired of the mostly-Democratic-led investigations. They will come to see the investigations as political theater, as a mere show fueled by partisan politics. In fact, that's how Tony Snow, other White House spokesmen and party-loyal Republicans are trying to frame the debate.

And the mainstream media continues to portray it as such. I wish people would explain that this is not about Bush or about Cheney. Those who want to get to the truth are not out to get Cheney or Bush. They are concerned for the OFFICE of president and the OFFICE of vice president. The limits of Bush and Cheney's power fell away the day after the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings. They took full advantage of the real fear people felt, and used it to butcher checks and balances and to give themselves powers never before entertained by previous administrations.

I wish one Democrat would stand up and ask Republicans how they will feel when Hillary is able to wiretap American citizens without a warrant. I can certainly tell you that Fox News would take up their torches and practically incite a riot outside the White House. They wouldn't allow Clinton to frame the debate so that it's about "protecting us from terrorists."

But, getting back to my point, that's what it's about - maintaining the delicate balance of federal power and the integrity of the constitution.

But also, to me, it's about being able to fucking believe in something. And that brings me to the troops, if you will. I'll preface it by saying that I am not fit for the service. I've always been more of an 'indoor kid,' a reader, a...confused twenty-something trying to find meaning in 21st century America.

That being said, I believe/hope most of the military, especially the young enlistees, genuinely and sincerely fight for their beliefs. They fight for their vision of America. It's true, I believe while some may enlist for financial or career options, many do so because they want to defend a way of life they believe to be the best in the world.

While I may have my own beliefs, I completely support these emotional and genuinely patriotic motivations.

We should morally support the troops by employing the utmost skepticism toward their actual combat use. Be fair to their ideals by using them only when the situation is most dire, when our way of life is truly in peril. And unless you are one of the underwhelmingly informed, yet passionately vocal minority, then you are aware that Iraq and Saddam Hussein had absolutely zero to do with the events on 9/11.

When people say to support the troops via myspace bulletins detailing the hardships of soldiers in Iraq and ask you to repost it if you support the troops, and to not repost it if you don't care, well, that's fucking frustrating and, for lack of a better term, dumb. It lacks the depth of thought required in this situation. It lacks the depth of thought that the troops deserve.

When making the issue of troop support a black and white issue, it does a disservice to those in the military. It's not about either morally supporting or not morally supporting the actual people fighting and dying in Iraq. (A flag decal on your car doesn't get you into heaven.) No, of course we morally support any 18-year old kid or middle aged parent that is willing to put themselves in the way of bullets and explosive-wearing enemies to defend America. The point is to honor not only them, but the sincere visions of America for which they are fighting.

I believe the current adminstration is guilty of not supporting the troops or using them in accord with their reasons for enlistment. They only support them semantically, wielding patriotism as a political weapon while obscuring true patriotism. (Read the facts of Pat Tillman's death and the public relations-motivated coverup, and try and deny what's going on. It was a hell of a story, but it was a lie. And while Tillman can be called a hero, only the truth can do his sacrifice justice. Same thing with Jessica Lynch.)

It is this co-opting of troops' true motivations and struggles for political purposes and wars that I find disgusting and un-American. So support the troops not with mere decals (probably made in China), gung-ho flagwaving or by never saying anything remotely "negative" about their Commander-in-Chief, but instead by paying attention to their mishandling by the powers in charge. Instead of just posting pictures of the brutality and hardships in Iraq, juxtapose those images with the handshakes between war-mongering politicians and the Halliburton contractors as they prepare to reap the benefits of the military-industrial complex.

(By the way, that last term was coined not by some liberal long-hair or far left ruffian, but instead by a Republican president who also happened to be the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Who, I am told, was hot fuck action to the max.)

Then again, paying attention to shit is hard. Waving a flag and calling the flagless cowards or uncaring is much easier.


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