Saturday, February 16, 2008

Obama Using Sexist Language? OR...This is Going to Make the Ladies Hot, Hot, HOT!!!

After eight years of playing drinking games while listening to our president speak - "He said nukular again instead of nuclear? Driiink! His subjects and verbs didn't agree? Two drinks!" - and shamefully hanging our heads when the leader of the free world butchers the English language with grammatical, rhetorical and overall stylistic sloppiness and buffoonery, this is how we're going to celebrate his departure?

From the ABC News blog:
(And no, the following is not a parody. That's what I'd first thought, and still wished.)

Is Obama Using Sexist Language?

by Jack Tapper

February 16, 2008 11:30 AM

Earlier this month, speaking at Tulane University, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, said this about the attacks coming his way from Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY:

"You challenge the status quo and suddenly the claws come out," Obama said.

The CLAWS come out? Really?

Then yesterday Obama told reporters who had asked about Clinton's latest attack ad, "I understand that Senator Clinton, periodically when she's feeling down, launches attacks as a way of trying to boost her appeal."

That prompted some female TV reporters to question the language he was using.

According to this unofficial transcript, over at MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell and Norah O'Donnell seemed to suggest Obama may have been -- if not playing the gender card, then using language women voters might find offensive.

Language such as "when she's feeling down" "periodically" she "launches attacks."

Nora O'Donnell: "He said, 'I understand when she's down, that she makes these kinds of attacks.' It's getting a little personal."

Andrea Mitchell: "It's getting a little personal and, very frankly, you know how deeply we interpreted every comment to look for some sort of racial motivation before South Carolina. A lot of people said it was there. But, you know, when you start describing a female candidate as being 'down' and 'striking back,' I don't know, that's a little edgy, don't you think?"

Nora O'Donnell: "Yeah. And I think there's gonna be a lot more comments about that."*

Pro-Clinton blogger Taylor Marsh writes that words like this, in her view, indicate "a way of thinking about women. A way of demeaning women in power; even saying we're not up to the job. Seriously, Senator Hillary Clinton is a woman running for president. Not some emotional menopausal diva popping pills because she's depressed she broke a nail."

"Claws"…"feeling down"...I find it hard to envision Obama using the same language if he were facing, say, former Sen. John Edwards, D-NC.

But what do you think?

What do I think?

Pathetic. Probably the most infuriating bunch of nonsense I've read this election. (And that includes Huckabee's theocratic babblings.) It's typical of a mainstream media addicted to sensationalism over substance, and a sign that author Jack Tapper is obviously bored out of his skull with covering the election, desperately grasping for a straw big enough to get attention. (I guess it worked on me.)

Then you have the comment section, always a bastion of enlightened and reasoned debate.

From Jadev:


Following the last debate, there was some mention of the fact that Obama helped Hillary out of her chair. (I also saw him help her INTO her seat.) Even that was turned into a positive by the media.

I didn't hear anyone say the act was sexist or inappropriate. IT WAS!

It was calculated and intended to convey that Hillary is of the weaker sex and, therefore, needs to have a big, strong man help her get in and out of a chair.

No one called him on it, yet the Clintons were accused of playing the race cards for weeks.

Some will argue that he was just being a gentleman - chivalrous - but it was inappropriate in this scenario - and in all scenarios, as far as I am concerned. An able-bodied woman does not need help from a man when sitting down or standing up! In the Senate, does Senator Obama rush around and help his female colleagues whenever they sit down or stand up?

This is a sore subject with me actually, one perhaps better left to another blog, but too irresistable to not touch on briefly. I'll just say that when it comes to things like opening doors, seating women, or other actions which are either chivalrous or sexist, depending on who you ask, men don't know what to do anymore. Seriously, women. We don't know what to do now. We're in this weird period in our society, in our culture, where we're getting over (thankfully so) patriarchical notions and sexist habits, but we're left with our hands up in the air, just asking, "What? What now?" Does courtesy and chivalry die for the sake of equality?

And this comment made me boil:

Worst case scenario: It's dog-whistle politics that appeals to misogyny. This will get more obvious (because it is not at all now) and then it will definitely make me mad. Result: I will have to hold my nose if I am lucky enough to have a chance to vote for him and not Hillary in the general.

Best case scenario: Although he has the right POLICY stand on basic equality and reproductive rights, Obama is still unintentionally, vaguely sexist--just like a lot of otherwise nice, smart (in the sense of having good judgment) and capable men.

So am I to assume that because I am a man, I am supporting Obama because his subtle language appeals to an inherent misogyny? That's some offensive shit right there. And the idea that all men, even those nice and smart bearers of good judgment, are hopelessly sexist? Ladies, that's not very motivating.

I am having a difficult time maintaining my support for feminism as of late. It's comments like that will not gain feminism any male support, and it's shooting yourselves in the foot. It's like saying, "Well, listen up men! We're going to tell you all the ways that you are repressing us and holding us back and mistreating us, but uh...ha, get this, there's nothing you can do about it. That's right, no matter how nice, smart or capable you are, you're still going to be a hopeless, chauvinistic pig. Sorry. You Man. You just can't help it. You fucking MEN. With your, your dangly kibbles and bits, and your hairy knuckles and fascination with tools and sports memorabilia.

I just don't understand this. And going back to the first thing I said in the blog, why are we worrying about possible, subliminal keywords from a great orator, when we've been bashed about the brains by the words of a hyperbolic 8th grader for the past eight years? "We're gonna get them evildoers! Smoke 'em outta there holes! Bring it on, turrhists!"

As for Hillary, her supporters, or sensationalist media fucktards, if "coded language" is the only thing you have against Obama, then you are truly desperate, and sad, just sad.

And while people try and decide on a candidate to support, this is the kind of information the media is providing for us to make an informed decision on who to bring us back into modernity after eight years of Wild West diplomacy? This is the debate we're having? If this is it, I don't know if I want any part of it, as it's only going to flare tempers and do nothing for our country but bring to power a former POW too willing to pander to far-right conservatives to vote against the torture he knows to be illegal.

Obama's mention of Hillary "feeling down" - I'm pretty sure that's an observation of an objective fact - her being down in the polls. I don't think it was a suggestion that women are emotionally fragile by nature or suggestive of some sort of menopausal depressive episode.

And "claws coming out?" That seems to refer to an animal attack, as in an attack not in the form of high-minded dialogue, but something base, personal and ferocious.

Maybe he just should have said, "I don't know about this broad I'm running against, she might just menstruate all over some nuclear launch codes or something and endanger national security." Or maybe he could have noted sarcastically that she might in fact be the best candidate for getting Israel and Palestine to sit down together, through the sharing of her delicious baked goods recipes in a Martha Stewart-esque gesture of diplomacy.

The two women from MSNBC and the pro-Clinton blogger who started this whole tomfoolery are doing nothing to help women in politics. That's the irony of this whole article. This hyper-sensitivity to perceived insults of gender will not help female politicians or female "journalists" overcome the truly insulting and sexist idea that women are too hyper-sensitive and prone to emotional histrionics. Way to show 'em they're wrong, ladies!

Please Hillary, Norah O'Donnell, Andrea Mitchell, and Taylor Marsh - don't bring the age old battle of men versus women into the Democratic party. The only winner will be the Republicans. Besides, your defensiveness makes it sound like you lil' ladies might be having a brief visit from Aunt Flo, eh? Is it arts and crafts week at Panty Camp? Are there communists in the summer house? Or maybe you stayed up too late watching that pirate movie about wicked ol' Captain Bloodsnatch?


And not to sound like I work for Fox News, but we're parsing Obama's language in regard to a Clinton? The wife of the guy who made the nation debate the meaning of the word "sex" when talking about what he did with Monica? Right? Just checking.

Afterthought: I think Andrea Mitchell and that other broad might themselves be guilty of some sexist commentary. They imply, with their complaint of Obama's use of "she's feeling down," that only women get emotional or are prone to bouts of sadness. I'm offended by that. I'm a man. And me and my manly mustache feel down quite often, I'll have you ladies know.

Probably gonna be a whole lot "down-er" after the ladies read that "communists in the summer house" thing, but what the hey. Wouldn't do anything to make me less sexist if I tried anyway.

Friday, February 15, 2008

These Targeted Internet Ads are Getting a Little Too Personal

Recently featured on the right side of my myspace's inbox page as a sponsored link:

Men's Beard Trimmer

With cleaning brush & shaping comb
Micro-precision grooming for $9.99

Goddammit, don't tell me how to live my life, Internet! If I want to look like a homeless Vietnam vet or a rescued hiker lost for weeks in the forest, then I damn well will.

I guess this might also be a sign I talk about beards too much, because, not really knowing how these things work, I guess there's some tracking software on myspace and my browser that keys into certain words and then provides ad links based on that word(s). In my case, it was "beard."

For example, beneath the trimmer link was this inexplicable nonsense:

Find Beard MSN

" I Can't Believe I Found his MSN
Address! It was as Easy as 123."K.J

Find Beard? Like Beard is a person? And this Beard has an MSN address?

Maybe I'm a little too paranoid about intrusion of my privacy in the form of marketing that caters to my tastes. Because "Find Beard"...that's pretty fucking amateur. That being said, take note. Shit like this is only going to get creepier and more intrusive in the guise of helping you, the global consumer, to make choices and know about all the wonderful products that will make it possible to live in a permanent, solipsistic bubble, with superficial interests and lifestyle labels plastered to its exterior like Nascar sponsorships.

Sorry, I've been taking a lot of medicine for this flu.

Just, goddammit computer, don't step on my beard.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mitt Romney - What A Guy! What an AMERICAN!

Announcing his withdrawal from the presidential race today, Romney dropped this zinger in his speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference:

If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or (Barack) Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.

Yes! That's what I'm talking about. How can we let these democrap pussies just hand over our fighting men and women to the terrorists? Because we know that's what they want, and even though I can't find any quotes to prove it, I can just feel it. I can tell Romney has those same awesome guts that Bush does, the ones more trustworthy than any silly brain full of liberal reasoning. Hell, Barack HUSSEIN Obama and Billary would probably want to sit down over martinis and negotiate surrender with Osama Bin Laden, with Sean Penn as some Hollywood moderator.

God, what a selfless hero this Romney is, huh? Willingly stepping aside for the good of his own party so that America can live on to kick more ass for another 100 years in Iraq, not sully our good name with surrender and wasteful spending on things like healthcare or education. Because, let's face it, how can anyone have healthcare or pass math if. . .


That's right Democrats. Your victory would mean American surrender and American DEATH. ALL DEATH. Surrender is only one step away from instating the Koran in place of our constitution, having to get rid of all our God-given SUVs (probably hand 'em over to THE GAYS), and have our delicious white women dress in erection-stifling layers of robes, leading to a decrease in our good whitebread population, which would then lead to a weakness against those marauding Mexicans to the south dedicated to taking over our country...GOddamn liberal, pinko, commie fag dope fiend hollywood Democrats!! (grammar is actually quite smart in its choice to surrender to my American Rage.)

I must admit I'm kind of sad about Romney's withdrawal. I was really hoping he would win the nomination and announce his poet laureate as Charlie Daniels, singer of such inspirational favorites as "(What This World Needs Is) A Few More Rednecks" and "This Ain't No Rag, It's a Flag."

(Oh God, I'm concerned I might accidentally attract real conservative readers with this.)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First podcast and my future...

SO, I finally started graduate school. I had always planned on going back sometime, I just wasn't sure where or for what. Well, Mass Communications finally offered a course that I was really interested in, a Video and New Media course. Basically, it is a class including a lot about video production. It was because of this course that I finally started to go back, and since I was working full time at Tech and get a free class each semester, I figured I would just stay at Tech.

Unfortunately, in a sense, I will be leaving my job in Mass Communications. Basically I am being forced out of my position because they (the dean and other faculty) want to do more with my position. They want it to be more involved with the newscast that is supposed to go on each day and to teach a course. Well, I have no experience with news or news production, which is something they want, and I cannot teach a course because I do not have the required experience or degree. I COULD teach a course; I have essentially taught the photo studio class the last two semesters; but because I do not have a Master's Degree Mass Communications will not let me teach.

They (the dean of the college of Mass Communications) say they can offer me a graduate assistant (GA) position starting in Fall, however I would have to be a Mass Communications Master student.

Let me explain: I always knew that if I went back to school that I wanted to learn new skills and improve on the ones I have. While getting a Masters in something like Mass Communications will help me with this, I will not learn much. Most of it will be research based and I would not learn many new skills.

I am looking at the Interdisciplinary Studies program. This will allow me to take more creative/production courses like photography courses, design courses and video production courses. Also, I do not have to do research.

So basically, I have a meeting tomorrow, Thursday, with the Dean and Associate Dean of the College of Mass Communications. It is here that I will turn in my letter of resignation effective after Summer II.

I know if I stayed, and they have made this clear because I am under qualified for what they want, I would eventually get fired.

I thought about lying and doing the graduate assistant position until they found out I wasn’t in the Mass Communications Master Program. But then I realized now is my chance to leave. I have not been happy here for a long time and have wanted to leave for quite some time just never had the money. Well, I still don’t have the money but the time is right. With the GA position they cannot guarantee what I will be doing each semester and they cannot guarantee summer work.

I do not know what I will do after that. I would like to at least finish my Masters at Tech especially since I know so many people here and I am also working on a side photography business, Triad Photography, with two other people here and things are really starting to pick up.

Will finally escape the Bible Belt? Maybe it is time.

Also, I finished my first video podcast I did for my graduate class. It isn’t that great, but this is the "finished" product. I recorded the audio too low and even with pushing it all the way up in editing, it is still very low. Also, there are a lot of jump cuts at the end that I just now learned how to fix. It was a learning experience and I am looking forward to doing my next one. I hope you enjoy it...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Mainstream, Traditional Media: Not always biased, just really stupid.

The first is funny.

This one's not so funny. And not surprisingly, The Montel Williams Show was cancelled three days after this aired.